Alejandro Cantero Jódar
Alejandro Cantero Jódar

Alejandro Cantero Jódar

Full Stack Developer

I am a passionate developer with more than 12 years of experience. I love building products that add value to users and solve real cases. Tell me about yours.



Senior Frontend Engineer

Parclick | 2023 - Present

Parclick is a parking reservation platform. I am in a senior frontend team where we are responsible for the development, performance, testing and maintenance of the product as well as the design of the new features.

Tech VP

Kiota Intelligence | 2022 - 2023

Kiota proposes a tool for investors where they can get better dealflow. As co-responsible for the technological product, I carry out decision-making, design, analysis and development tasks.

CTO & Co-founder

Loonfy Technologies | 2019 - 2022

Loonfy is a platform that allows employees to collect their payroll at any time. All the design, development and maintenance of the product was in my hands, leading the sale of the company together with my colleagues.

Analyst Programmer

SOMOS.PLUS | 2016 - 2019

SOMOS.PLUS is a medium-size consultancy within a large business group. I developed several internal tools for the company and also projects for clients.

Web Developer

QZ Comunicación | 2014 - 2016

QZ Comunicación was a web development company. I was in charge of developing websites such as e-commerces and small functionality sites.



Alejandro Cantero Jódar

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